Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Ultimate Gift

Our family Christmases have evolved over the years.  When our kids were young, our Christmas was packed with toys.  There were so many toys that it took it seemed like three days to open up all of the gifts.  Parents and grandparents showered the kids with gifts.

Now that our kids are all adults, the number of presents have gotten much fewer and they have become much more meaningful.  But the most important thing is the sheer treasure of having everyone together.  We live most of the year as empty-nesters so it is a real treat to have all the girls with us.  We have had that pleasure twice now in the last month.  God has wired us for relationship and the greatest gift are those relationships.  In the Christmas Eve service, they showed the following video. 

I would venture to say that the kids could have cared less about the presents they received.  The true gift was their father.  Is it any wonder that the true gift of Christmas is a person, the Lord Jesus Christ?  He is offered as a free gift to all who believe (Rom 6:23).  But like all gifts, you must accept and open the gift. Imagine if the kids never opened the box.  They would never have appropriated the gift of relationship.  Likewise, if they had offered to pay for the gift, it would not have been a gift.  The kids had no ability to pay for the relationship gift.  It was free and unconditional.  God has offered an unsurpassable gift, Himself. 

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