Sunday, January 22, 2017

From Nero to Trump - Keep on Praying

Wow, what a week! We have a new President, Donald J. Trump whether we like it or not. I do not blog on politics because I think politics and being a Christ follower are often confused in mainstream culture. Christians that blend the two are risking at best confusion, and at worst outright rejection. I do not want to take that risk. 

In the ancient east at the time of the writing of the New Testament, the Romans were in charge. There were good things such as a modern (for the time) system of roads and infrastructure. But the government was oppressive. It was a system that directly clashed with the beliefs of Christians. For example, Christians were considered "atheists" because they did not honor the Roman gods. They were asked to denounce Jesus Christ and honor the Roman gods and penalty to do so was immediate death.

In the midst of this, Paul says to "make entreaties, prayer, petitions, and thanksgivings for all those in charge" (1 Tim 2:1). I find this interesting that Paul writes this probably during the reign of the infamous Nero. Yes, that same Nero who made Christians human torches. Paul also says that we are "to be subject to governing authorities for all authority is established by God" (Romans 13:1). So while we may not like who is in charge, we are to support and uphold them. Paul even says we are to be thankful for them. Can you imagine Paul giving thanks for Nero?

Now roll that forward to democracy. There was no democracy at the time of Christ. I love that we live in a democracy. I am very thankful for the right for many thousands (including two of my own daughters) to gather in protest of this new President and to put him on notice that he represents the people. It is our right in this country to do so. Paul did the same thing when he appealed to Caesar as a Roman citizen. He was taking advantage of the rights he had.

But at the same time, this does not invalidate what these verses say - in fact it supports them even more. If those who were directly persecuted were to pray and uphold their leaders, how much more are we in a democracy to pray and uphold our leaders. Paul actually gives the reason we are to do this when he says "so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Tim. 2:2). What he is saying is that regardless of who is in charge, my king is King Jesus and I am not going to confuse human leadership and government with God our Savior. All government whether Nero or Trump is God-ordained and we are still to uphold them.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Hate Crimes

This week three black teens and one black juvenile were charged with the vicious torture and attack of an eighteen year old mentally disabled white man. The attackers posted their attack on social media with expletive taunts against Donald Trump and against white people. This same week, Dylann Roof entered the sentencing stage of his trial for killing nine black people at a historically black church. Roof showed no remorse in representing himself and even stated "there is nothing wrong with me psychologically". Both of these cases have been labeled "hate crimes" and have sparked renewed debate over this topic.

The FBI defines a hate crime as “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” The FBI goes on to say that hate crimes are the highest priority of the FBI’s Civil Rights program, not only because of the devastating impact they have on families and communities, but also because groups that preach hatred and intolerance can plant the seed of terrorism here in our country.

This concept of hate crimes is fascinating to me because pretty much all crimes are borne into attitudes of the heart. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus identifies the incipient reasons why we do what we do. Whereas the legalists of his day focused on the outward, Christ focused on the inward causes. In any outward action, you need to start working your way backwards. For example, murder is the supreme atrocity of taking another person's life, but murder moves backward to hate, hate moves back to resentment, resentment moves back to insecurity, and so on and so forth.

The cure for hate crimes is not to react to the outward crimes but to start at the root cause. The seemingly best of us are fully capable of committing the worst of crimes and recognizing that is the first step. Repentance has to start with recognition. But recognition doesn't do it by itself because we cannot cure the evils of our own heart. It has to move towards transformation and only supernatural transformation can change these deep seated attitudes of the heart. The gospel of Jesus Christ changes people - even the worst of us. It breaks down the dividing walls.

Jameel McGee, a black man was imprisoned by a white police officer, Andrew Collins who falsified a drug police report. He served four years in jail. Collins eventually admitted he falsified the report and served a year and a half in jail himself. McGee when he got out sought to "hurt Collins" when he got out. What happened - Collins apologized, McGee accepted the apology and today the two of them are close friends. The gospel does stuff like that.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My 2017 BE Goals

Last year, I got a Fitbit for Christmas and I set a goal of being more healthy and lose weight. But I gained 6 pounds. The Fitbit tells me I am exercising but it doesn't help me with my sweet addiction. Part of the problem with task-oriented goals is they address symptoms rather than problems. 

I bring up this concept of BE goals every new year. I first heard the concept of BE goals a number of years ago from Andy Stanley, a well-known pastor and author in Atlanta. BE goals are different as they are internal rather than external. Generally, they don't change from year to year and it is measured in progress rather than arrival. No one can say they nail BE goals every year. So here are my BE goals from last year and they are exactly the same for 2017.

Be Holy
It always starts with the most difficult one. Holiness is something only God can truly be yet we are reminded to be holy as God is holy. A difficult proposition but possible if the Christ is living through me.

Be Prayerful
Prayer is dialogue with the creator God. God has made that possible. God wants me to talk to Him the way a child talks to their father. How precious little time I truly spend in dialogue with God. The Holy Spirit is in me and helps me along in my weakness.

Be Patient
Yikes - this is a challenge for me. The man who tailgates people and loses his temper at every little thing. Patience is basically frustration when you are held back from expectations. It starts with improper expectations.

Be Mindful
Similar to patience, this is a awareness of others and my surroundings. Coming from the man who realizes things on the wall that have been there for years, this is a truly daunting challenge.

Be Supportive
This takes mindful to another level because it is a proactive reaction to being mindful. How can I be supportive of others in my work, community, relationships, etc.

Be Trusting
It is a danger to yourself to always be skeptical of others. I would rather be let down than be constantly skeptical of others. So many times I held off on sending that bad e-mail because I assumed the worst in people.

Be Accountable
Hardest thing for a man to be. We like living in our own cocoon and yet we have to be accountable to others. It is critical for men to have those relationships where we can be transparent and listen to brothers as they see areas of change needed in our lives.

Be a Friend
Deb and I were just talking about how much value we place on friendships as we have grown older. We have such a wonderful core group of friends and it is so important for me just to be a friend. I also want/need to develop new relationships.

Be Diligent
These words ring out in my head as Paul says to Timothy - "be diligent to present yourselves as one approved". It means we have to be proactive. This is one of Coveys 7 Habits.

Be Consistent
Finally, being consistent throughout the year is the path. It is January 1 and by God's grace by January 10, I won't have violated most of these already.