Sunday, January 9, 2011

What is Worthless?

I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me.
Psalm 101:3

I am a chronic planner. I like to account for all my time.  I keep copious records of tasks to be accomplished and am always disappointed when I can’t get them done.  I struggle with allocation of time to relationships, quiet time, or just reading or meditating.  I have learned the hard way multiple times that spending time in relationships whether vertical (with the Lord) or horizontal (with others) is so important.  When I was on my back for a period of time in the hospital a few years ago, there was not much choice to make.  I so wanted my other wife (my computer) but she was not accessible to me.  I hated being forced to relax. 

what is worthless?  Is it rooted in relationships?  Does it glorify myself or God?  Does it plant seeds that will bear fruit?  What is my motivation?  Day to day living is rooted in choices of where to invest my finite resource of time.  Answering questions like this allow me to make decisions without guilt.  Getting time to relax is also so important – I am not good at relaxing!  Debsue and I have started Friday nights as movie nights where we allocate a time to just relax and watch a good movie.  It is rooted in relationship.  It would not have been long ago where I would have deemed such an activity a waste of time because I would have focused on the task rather than the relationship.  Spending time just listening to good music or meditating on Scripture is a daily quest.  I so much want to get on with my day!  I thank God that he shows me that worthless or worthwhile often have to be measured carefully.  

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