Sunday, February 17, 2013

Looking for a BHAG

Jim Collins as far as I know coined the term BHAG which stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal in Good to Great.  He describes it as a huge and daunting goal - like a big mountain to climb.  It is clear and compelling and people get it right away.  A BHAG can serve as a focal point, galvanizing people and creating a team spirit as people move towards a finish line. 

I am living through one potential BHAG in business right now with our new software product due to launch next quarter.  I am part of this years class of Leadership Cleveland and we are framing a big vision to change our city.   Pat Morley has kind of put a different spin on BHAG and called it a Big Holy Audacious Goal.  Someone once defined prayer as "finding out what God is doing and getting in on it".  I kind of feel that way about our church - our pastor Joe Coffey is exceptional at framing a vision and communicating it to the congregation.  In my CLC group, we are in the last session on Reforming Our Communities which is all about making a difference in our region.

I am firmly convinced that people want to be part of something big.  No one wants to go through the motions day in and day out.  People want to know that what they are doing is making a difference.  When I was at Merge, we had regular conference calls with the CEO and in each conference call, he would lead off with how we did financially the previous quarter.  As a public company, he felt that was the most thing.  Nobody rallies behind financial numbers.  They are the measurement of performance, but not the motivator.  People not only want to make a difference, but they want to make an impact.  An impact is something dramatic, something of a higher plane.  If people think that what they are doing is making an impact, they will endure all sorts of opposition.  On the other hand, I have encountered people that are not part of a vision and are going through the motions.  They might be even well off, but they tend to be miserable.  The one year I worked in a "real job" I was miserable.  I have to be part of something I perceive to be great. 

God wants something great.  In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus describes a plentiful harvest with too few workers.  In John 4:35, he talks about the fields that are ripe for harvest.  This is the BHAG that he wants each of us in on.  It is changing our neighborhood, our city, our region, our state, our country, our world.  Kingdom impact is a BHAG.  It is finding out what God is doing and getting in on it.  I am convinced that God is doing something big in my life and in the city of Cleveland.  I don't know specifics, but I want in on it.  Each of us wants just such a mission.

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