Sunday, July 6, 2014

Feeble Excuses

Uruguay soccer star Luis Suarez set excuse making to a whole new level this past week. Despite this being this third biting incident, he maintained his innocence. Suarez, in a letter appealing his ban from future games said " I lost my balance, making my body unstable and falling on top of my opponent." "I hit my face against the player leaving a small bruise on my cheek and a strong pain in my teeth". In other words your shoulder hit my face. In the face of overwhelming evidence, Suarez eventually came clean.

It reminded me of an incident with our daughter Meghan when she was around six or seven. It appeared she had had a bad haircut overnight with bangs cut strangely. Apparently the attempt of a botched haircut. When confronted with the evidence, she quipped "I don't know how those scissors got in my bed and cut my hair".

One final one - we were at the Indians game Friday night and a t-shirt vendor was selling shirts with profanity on them. When several reacted with indignation, he commented "I don't print the shirts". But you are selling the shirts right?

I think most excuses sound really flimsy to a holy God. Even ones where there might be some element of truth to an enlightened world probably sound like Suarez's excuse to God. Like "I was born that way or that was the way I was raised." God wants us to come clean to him and others, and confess our sin. 1 John 1:9 says "if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just and will forgive us and cleanse us". Confession is always the process to renewal. There is always a difference between confession with an attitude of repentance and one that confesses just because we were caught. The latter is simply remorse and is much more prevelant today. The closer a man walks with God, the more he confesses. Awareness of sin is acute, like a finely tuned set of senses.


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