We proudly identify ourselves with these schools or teams by wearing the apparel. It makes a statement to the rest of the world that we are proud to be associated with this or that school or team. This of course also has to do with the presumption that the team is a winner. Don't see a whole lot of Browns paraphernalia these days.
This picture is somewhat Paul had in mind when he says "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ" (Gal. 3:27). The clothing is a symbol of our identification with Christ through salvation. I can wear the shirt of my favorite team and have a loose connection. That is a fan. But to be clothed here means I have to have a true union with Christ and that can only come from salvation and faith in what Christ did for me.
The context of the verse is also one of unity. When I proudly wear my Valpo shirt, I can immediately join in unity with those who are Valpo grads. My college buddies and I connected with Valpo's NIT run. How much more when Christians relate? It does not matter where they are from or what they do, there is a unity. I can go halfway around the world in places like Africa and have an instant connection with other believers in Christ.
Sadly how much more do I pronounce my loyalty to my team or my school and yet be ashamed to pronounce my identity in Christ. There is no greater identity I can have than who I am in Jesus. That goes beyond physical clothing to the very core of my being.
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