Sunday, January 22, 2017

From Nero to Trump - Keep on Praying

Wow, what a week! We have a new President, Donald J. Trump whether we like it or not. I do not blog on politics because I think politics and being a Christ follower are often confused in mainstream culture. Christians that blend the two are risking at best confusion, and at worst outright rejection. I do not want to take that risk. 

In the ancient east at the time of the writing of the New Testament, the Romans were in charge. There were good things such as a modern (for the time) system of roads and infrastructure. But the government was oppressive. It was a system that directly clashed with the beliefs of Christians. For example, Christians were considered "atheists" because they did not honor the Roman gods. They were asked to denounce Jesus Christ and honor the Roman gods and penalty to do so was immediate death.

In the midst of this, Paul says to "make entreaties, prayer, petitions, and thanksgivings for all those in charge" (1 Tim 2:1). I find this interesting that Paul writes this probably during the reign of the infamous Nero. Yes, that same Nero who made Christians human torches. Paul also says that we are "to be subject to governing authorities for all authority is established by God" (Romans 13:1). So while we may not like who is in charge, we are to support and uphold them. Paul even says we are to be thankful for them. Can you imagine Paul giving thanks for Nero?

Now roll that forward to democracy. There was no democracy at the time of Christ. I love that we live in a democracy. I am very thankful for the right for many thousands (including two of my own daughters) to gather in protest of this new President and to put him on notice that he represents the people. It is our right in this country to do so. Paul did the same thing when he appealed to Caesar as a Roman citizen. He was taking advantage of the rights he had.

But at the same time, this does not invalidate what these verses say - in fact it supports them even more. If those who were directly persecuted were to pray and uphold their leaders, how much more are we in a democracy to pray and uphold our leaders. Paul actually gives the reason we are to do this when he says "so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Tim. 2:2). What he is saying is that regardless of who is in charge, my king is King Jesus and I am not going to confuse human leadership and government with God our Savior. All government whether Nero or Trump is God-ordained and we are still to uphold them.

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