Sunday, February 6, 2011

Passing the Torch

“And even when I am old and gray, oh God, do not forsake me, until I declare your strength to this generation, your power to all who are to come." 
Psalm 71:18

This past week, our youngest daughter turned 20. Now Debbie and I no longer have kids as defined by teenage years. As I get older, the legacy that we leave is the most important thing. I am past the halfway point of my life which causes me to be retrospective. Our girls are well past the point where the influence that we can have upon them makes a big difference. They are their own persons, they live their own lives. Our prayer has been since they were little kids that they would grow up to love the Lord Jesus Christ and to seek a relationship with him. Our second prayer has been that they would marry godly men who would share the same relationship. We cannot change the past; hopefully by God's grace we did nothing to present a stumbling block to our children.

Now we're at a point where we can see how their lives turn out. It is really fun and the journey is just beginning. This past year we saw a daughter get married to a godly man thus fulfilling one of our prayers. We saw two of our daughters graduate and move on into their careers and livelihoods. I am not disappointed that none of them chose to follow their father into the business world. One is a cartoonist – how weird is that? I can't even draw a good stick figure. One aspires to serve others – what a blessing! One wants to teach math and is well beyond my ability to help with the homework.

The psalmist finds himself at the endpoint and strongly desires to see the fruits of his legacy. We all want to pass the torch to the next generation.  it is hard to admit I am old – seems like just yesterday I was their age.  But I am and can see that God has worked miracles in our children and has graciously used us in their lives.  My prayer is that I am able to see more and more how they turn out – kind of like a movie plot that is just evolving.  By the way, when do we get our grandchildren?

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