Monday, September 12, 2011

Remembering 9/11–Best and Worst

I am one day late in writing this post but better late than never.  Everyone remembers what they were doing on 9/11.  I was in a board meeting and I remember the shock when someone told us a plane had hit the World Trade Center.  I remember being very concerned because I knew my brother-in-law did business in the tower.  As it turns out, he was supposed to be in the tower mid morning.  I remember after the full brunt of the impact had hit that we gathered our company team around and I just led us in prayer.  I remember some of our team being stuck in California as places were grounded and one of our guys having to share a ride back across country.  This same individual lost a family member in the WTC bombing.  I remember dismissing everyone mid-day so they could reflect on what had occurred. 

But what I most remember is the best and the worst.  The worst being people bent on destroying other people in the name of false religion.  Doesn’t something not add up when you can somehow justify killing innocents?  Christianity is imparting life and life abundantly and eternal.  Are you about life or are you about death?  The best was our country’s response.  I am very proud to be a U.S. citizen and we rallied in the face of a new threat.  As Americans, we live our life to the fullest.  The other major part of the story is it caused us to reflect on what we value most.  We hugged our spouse and kids tighter that night as we realized life can be fleeting.  But most of all, we realized that there is a path to eternal life and it wasn’t the way the terrorists envisioned it.  It had a shocking death too, but it was not to take life but to assure it.  The terrorists chose the path that leads to death.  It is the way to the cross and to the death Christ gave that leads to life. 

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