Sunday, November 13, 2011

No Small Sacrifice

Friday we celebrated Veterans Day and as such we recognize the tremendous sacrifice our military go through for our country and our freedoms.  I have mentioned in the past that every time we encounter military personnel, Deb always goes up to them and thanks them for their service.  We tend to overlook what these man and women go through to protect the liberty and freedom we have. 

Today in our morning church service, we also recognized the amazing sacrifice that Christians around the world experience who are persecuted for their faith.  Annually, 105,000 Christians are martyred for their faith.  It goes largely unnoticed falling below the radar so to speak.  The persecution translate to a martyred Christian every 5 minutes.  To make the point home, at the service, a candle was blown out every five minutes.  So in an hour long service, 12 Christians were martyred.  For more information, visit  There are still many countries where the sharing of the Christian faith is illegal.  How we know very little of this in the USA.  I was reminded of this somewhat forcefully as we ended the church service which focused on the persecuted church and I saw multiple people walking out the church service with smoothies or latte’s in hand.  I am not knocking these people – I have been there.  But oh what Jesus must think as he views his children – we truly are the Laodicean church – lukewarm.  My son-in-law’s parents serve in Pakistan, a hotbed place and have for many years.  They love the people and they love Jesus.  The show their love for HIm day in and day out.  What a testimony to us weak, lackadaisical Americans.

Sometimes I really wonder what persecution would bring to the USA.  I think the church would thrive when it throws out our comfortable existence.  Do we truly fall under conviction and live for Christ?  Are we prepared to sacrifice all for our Savior?

1 comment:

  1. Matthew 5:10-12 "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
