Sunday, January 5, 2014

Using Agile Methodology For Life

In our company, we use the Agile methodology.  The Agile methodology is based on 3 week sprints that over time become more and more predictable.  Agile is also based on the concept that things change frequently in technology and you always need to recast priorities.  The successful companies are those that can adapt quickly rather than those that plan way far in advance.  The discipline of Agile is found in following the same process over and over. Part of each sprint is going through a Sprint Retrospective.  We actually schedule a 3-4 hour meeting at the end of each 3 week sprint to review what we accomplished and what we learned. 

Most experts believe it takes at least 30 days to build in a habit.  Most people are really good at setting goals, but terrible at actually achieving them.  Why?  The discipline of Agile is great  - sprint planning, following by sprint, followed by sprint retrospective.  The process is followed over and over again.  Further, every morning our development team gathers for a standing meeting to see how we are doing against those goals.  Habits are built consistently over time.

What is different from Agile is that the habits get applied to a goal that never changes.  Andy Stanley calls those "Be Goals" (see my post from last year).   My goal is to build lifelong habits that cultivate the growth of a Godly man.  Not easy when you have a sinful man as raw material.  I have been very consistent in my devotionals for the past 3 years because I set the habits in place early.  I want to grow in my relationship with Christ and in order to do that, I need to spend time with Him.  I am amazed when I talk to Christians who say they aren't growing, but I find they are spending nominal time with the Lord daily.  Imagine the stupidity of saying you don't feel close to your spouse because you spend a few minutes with him/her each day.  Doesn't work.  Further, I build habits where I spend multiple other hours during the day listening to Scripture preached or sung.  I am trying to cultivate a biblically-based mindset because we all know the world does not cultivate a godly mind. That is the ONLY shot I have to be a godly man.  It does not take much to throw that goal off course.

Many believers use a kind of "drive-through Christianity" where they think they can just get their dose of God each Sunday in church.  Meantime our mind is filled with other things.  I got all over a brother who said that he was so busy, he could not study the Word or pray.  Examine your priorities!  Recently, I started ending my day reading biblically-based books.  Phillip Yancey, Randy Alcorn, and David Jeremiah are particular favorite authors.  I heard our pastor refer to his relationship with God using the following three metaphors which he also applied to marriage.
  1. Debrief Daily (spend time every day, even if it is just for a few minutes)
  2. Date Weekly (worship weekly, spend time in fellowship weekly)
  3. Depart Quarterly (get away for uninterrupted time with God)
My prayer for you is you adopt spiritual disciplines that accompany lifelong goals.  The discipline of Agile without the shifting priorities.

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